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One Line, One Love: Writer's Toolbox

Episode 27: Who is it for?

Description: In this episode, Gail and Jay discuss the importance of choosing, what Stephen King calls, "an ideal reader" for your writing. They talk about how when everyday writers choose a specific ideal reader, their writing becomes more inspired. They also discuss Gail's new, soon-to be-published poetry book Fit, Flutter, Float: A Playful Guide and who is the ideal reader for her fifth book. If you're a writer looking to learn about why knowing who your ideal reader is, this episode is a must-listen!

One Line, One Love’s Prompt Invitation:

Tell us —
What do you see when you visualize your ideal reader?

One Line, One Love believes in baby steps.
Sharing your writing is a step toward pursuing your writing dream. 
C’mon — Shine!
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