I thoroughly enjoyed this Episode, Gail and Jay. For me I readily see my conflicts around a particular topic. My contradictions? Not nearly as readily. Some is “I’ve always believed thus and so, so it must be true!” Or, Statements by important people - Einstein, Kurt Vonnegut, Dan Rather - register with me as inherently valid and also true. I bet you can see I need to start writing! All the very best to you both. Or as Archie Bunker would have said, “To da both of youz.”
I thoroughly enjoyed this Episode, Gail and Jay. For me I readily see my conflicts around a particular topic. My contradictions? Not nearly as readily. Some is “I’ve always believed thus and so, so it must be true!” Or, Statements by important people - Einstein, Kurt Vonnegut, Dan Rather - register with me as inherently valid and also true. I bet you can see I need to start writing! All the very best to you both. Or as Archie Bunker would have said, “To da both of youz.”