Episode 17: Manufacturing Sunshine
A glow for us all
to see and manufacture
our own sunshine—GO!
GO indeed!
A ball of light that
Touches the water slowly
Disappears quickly
Ahhh! This puts me in mind of our time together at the lake Sharon! :)
Thank you for engaging with Terri's prompt!
Now it's my turn to do the same.
Big red ball in sky
Recall toddler's metaphor
Tickles mother's heart
This was a great PodBlog. I really enjoyed Terri’s insight.
Thank you Sharon!
A glow for us all
to see and manufacture
our own sunshine—GO!
GO indeed!
A ball of light that
Touches the water slowly
Disappears quickly
Ahhh! This puts me in mind of our time together at the lake Sharon! :)
Thank you for engaging with Terri's prompt!
Now it's my turn to do the same.
Big red ball in sky
Recall toddler's metaphor
Tickles mother's heart
This was a great PodBlog. I really enjoyed Terri’s insight.
Thank you Sharon!